The Impossibility of Fixing Stupid

Comedian Ron White has made a career out of telling people, “You can’t fix stupid.” And it seems that some people are destined to prove his point every single day. I found and shared a photo on Facebook the other day that certainly drives that point home. Rather than describe it for you, I can…

Post-Pandemic Actuarial Cornhole, and Other Useful Return To The Office Tricks

As the Covid pandemic continues its wind down (except for in airports and airplanes where we will apparently remain permanently masked) some companies are now looking at clearing the cobwebs in the office and returning the workforce to their respective cubicles. While many businesses, including mine, have gone virtual, some simply function better when everyone…

On Taking the Lockton 2022 Workers’ Compensation Survey

The 2022 Lockton Workers’ Compensation Survey is currently underway, and workers’ comp professionals are strongly encouraged to participate. Doing so helps all of us better understand trends and challenges in the industry. This survey will also help pinpoint topics and issues to be included in the agenda for the 2022 Complex Risk Symposium. Survey participants will receive…