Giving Thanks for New Mexico Law Enforcement

This article could have just as easily been called “Workplace Violence is a Danger at Any Time and Age”, because it is really about an incidence of workplace violence. I could have also called it “Rot In Hell You Ignorant Scumbag”, as it is also the ranting of an angry son over the armed robbery…

Regulators Is People, Too

The year is 2022. The world is an overpopulated and polluted place, where the oceans are dead and many common creatures are now extinct. The wealthy elite live in the protected countryside, while the great unwashed masses reside amid general squalor in crowded tenements within the cities. The population of New York is over 40,000,000.…

Kids' Chance of Florida – A Soon To Be Reality

I have been deeply involved with Kids' Chance for a number of years now. The charitable organization dedicated to providing scholarship opportunities for children of severely or fatally injured workers has exploded across the workers' compensation industry in recent months, in no small part to the efforts of Executive Director Vicki Burkhart, extremely committed corporate…

Opting In For Communication

My wife and I purchased a new Christmas tree a couple weekends ago at our local Hobby Lobby (that is where Florida Xmas trees are grown – in retail locations that had them “grown” in China). As we waited for the tree to be brought up front from the storeroom, I watched the employees, busily…

It's Not Easy Being Me – Vegas Style

I am just back from the National Workers' Compensation and Disability Conference in Las Vegas, where the challenges of being me continued unabated. I wrote about this several months ago, and to fully understand this entry you should probably read that article first if you have not done so. It is available here. You go…

In Las Vegas: Schlepping at the Kids' Chance Booth

If you have been preparing to make the trek to the industry annual national workers' comp sojourn in Las Vegas, it has likely been a fairly hectic time. You no doubt have been inundated with event invitations, “Visit us in Booth XXXX” postcards, and emails from people who would love to meet with you in…

Opting Out of Responsible

A few weeks back I wrote about the most recent Opt Out news, a ProPublica/NPR article looking at the Federal Governments potential interference in workers' comp with Opt Out being a final ingredient in the interventional stew. In that article I had a bit of fun with a public relations firm hired by ARAWC, the…