What if Workers' Comp Surveyed Like McDonald’s?

Many companies employ consumer surveys these days. They are everywhere. They come in the form of a voice query after a service phone call, or in your email following a particular sale. The most ubiquitous, it seems, now come on the receipt from a purchase of some sort, all of them beckoning you to “Tell…

Who, Me? Disabled?

I’ve made it very clear that I have come to detest the term “disabled.” It is, as a term, a vehicle of economic and societal construct; a label that is applied to individuals announcing to the rest of society that a person is no longer capable of normal living. It is negative by its very…

California's Cavalcade of Presumptions Bill for Healthcare Workers

Last week we had the opportunity to opine on the “Silly Season of Legislative Activity” by discussing California’s thoroughly misguided AB 1465, which would require the administrative director of the state’s workers’ compensation system to establish a statewide medical provider network called the California Medical Provider Network. It is a horrible idea that will provide no…

Employers Deserve Cannabis Clarification from the Feds

The New Jersey Supreme Court just issued a decision that requires insurers and employers to reimburse injured workers for the use of medical marijuana. In the case, lawyers for an employer argued that reimbursing for medical marijuana would in effect be “aiding and abetting and conspiracy liability under federal law.” As Nancy Grover reported on this site yesterday, “the…

In the Legislative Silly Season, California Leads the Way

It is Spring across the nation. The season’s many familiar rituals, like flowers in the field, are in full bloom. Foliage is turning green, birds are singing, bees are humming, and State Legislatures are getting down to the task once again of “fixing” their workers’ comp system.  It is an annual event that strikes hope…