My Brain on Drugs and Enemas

My brain has been saturated with drugs the last couple weeks, and not in a fun way. It has been inundated with information and discussions on opioids (and lack of Regulator leadership thereof), prescription abuse, repackaged drugs and physician dispensing. I even attended a Physicians Dispensing Summit, where, despite its promising name, not a single…

IAIABC Opioid Decision is Matter of Life and Death

Over 20,000 people die from prescription drug overdoses in this country every year. That is one every 20 minutes or so. Not all of them are workers' comp related, but a significant number are. As an industry we have blood on our hands, and it isn't going away anytime soon. Several weeks ago, the Executive…

Physician Dispensing and Arguing with Idiots

I got into one of my more animated debates yesterday with a fellow on LinkedIn over the issue of physician dispensing. This particular person appears to be a PR rep hired by a dispensing physician in an attempt to scrub the indelible stain on the soul that prescribing for fun and profit undoubtedly brings. As…

Is Texas Legalizing "Workers Comp" Again?

Last November I wrote an article about a website,, which had been shut down by a legal threat from the Texas Department of Insurance. The state was citing existing law that it contended prevents anyone from using the term “Texas” and “Workers’ Comp” or “Workers’ Compensation” in connection with a website or blog, and…

Attending the Physician Dispensing Summit

I am very much looking forward to attending an upcoming “Physician Dispensing Summit”, to be held at a secure, undisclosed location on February 25th and 26th. Ok, it is actually being held just prior to the WCRI conference in Boston, but I like the mystery that my introduction affords. Now, contrary to what the title…