Working From Home? We'll Apparently Drink to That!

An article that appeared Friday on this site, from the National Safety Council, told us of a survey that presents yet another concern for the workers’ compensation industry. It indicated people who suddenly found their work based from home due to the COVID pandemic were more likely to drink on the job as a result. It found…

Becoming Virtual Virtuosi

There are a couple different schools of thought when it comes to the topic of learning how to swim. As a child, I learned to swim through formalized lessons at the Erlton Swim Club of Cherry Hill, New Jersey. There were weeks of lessons where multiple instructors guided shivering young children (it was early summer,…

In Workers' Comp, Inconsistency Remains Our Most Consistent Trait

Oh, what a difference a state line makes. In Florida, a work-at-home workers’ compensation claims professional who tripped over her dog while reaching for a cup of coffee could not receive workers’ compensation benefits. If she moved just a few miles north, over the Georgia border, it would now be a different story. Last week the State…