Innovation Through Communication

Last week I participated in a “National Bloggers Panel” at the National Workers’ Compensation and Disability Conference in Las Vegas. While the discussion was spirited and covered a number of issues, there was a moment of clarity provided for me by my friend, competitor and semi-professional SpongeBob impressionist Dave Depaolo. We were talking about innovation…

The Most Important Passenger On the Plane

I’ve said it before; we are an industry based in injury, pain and death. People in workers’ compensation are immersed in those elements on a daily basis. Still, at a time when we come full face with a story of personal sacrifice and honor, it all seems to pale in comparison.  My flight to Las…

As We Gather in Las Vegas

It must be fall. In many parts of the country the leaves have turned, the air is brisk, and the workers’ compensation industry packs it’s bags and heads to Las Vegas. This week marks the 22nd Annual National Workers’ Compensation and Disability Conference, being held at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. It is an annual…

On the Job @SouthwestAir, Words Matter

I've spoken a great deal on changing the style and depth of communication within the workers' compensation industry. Better communication will yield better results for the employers and injured workers that we serve. We had a terrific example this week, showing what we say and how we say it – even by accident – can…

I Would Have Sent a Stern Letter

We discuss many types of jobs and injuries in this blog. Rarely though, do we find a job related injury to be intentional in nature while based in pure, raw emotion. This is the reality of today’s topic du jour. There is no easy way to say it, so here goes. A self mutilating performance…