Farewell to Uncle Dave

Sometimes life isn't all about workers' compensation. Sometimes it's about family. I have several wonderful Uncles, but truth be told, I had a favorite. It was my Uncle Dave. He was a stand up guy. A terrific father and husband. A truly gentle soul, and an extraordinarily funny man. Funny to beat the band. David…

More Court Filings and Some Good News at SAIF

I am headed out the door for a few days of vacation (more like a staycation, as the honeydo list is long and in need of attention), so this will be (for me) relatively short and to the point. There has been some interesting movement in the ongoing SAIF/John Plotkin saga this past week, including…

Beating Fat Employees with a Stick

The increasing girth of the average American is becoming a pretty weighty issue, and employers tired of having paint scraped off door frames are beginning to take notice. Some are beginning to turn away from incentive based health programs to efforts that actually punish employees or restrict benefits for those who do not participate. Excessive…

SAIF Executive Council's Bold Words Require Bolder Action

Last week the management of Oregon workers’ compensation insurer SAIF had their annual all-day getaway, a retreat ostensibly designed to educate, inform and motivate upper management as well as the company’s Executive Council. Colloquially it could probably be referred to as the annual “Come to Jesus” meeting, except this is Oregon. It would more likely…

Shooting of Nevada Workers' Comp Advocate a Warning for All

The office shooting of a Nevada Workers’ Compensation Advocate in Las Vegas last Monday is a reminder that danger lurks in our industry. Workers' Compensation Advocate Mike Kogler was shot in the chest by 73 year old Leonard Sullivan, who was arrested at the scene and charged with attempted murder. Kogler was seriously wounded but…

No Rousmaniere at the Inn

It is difficult to travel when you’ve lost your wallet, along with all of your associated identification. Difficult to check in to a hotel, very difficult to rent a car, and seemingly impossible to board an airplane. But when the weary traveler loses their wallet while on the road far from home, how does everything…