Joining the Cavalcade of Risk

I had the distinct pleasure this week of becoming a contributing author to the Cavalcade of Risk, a bi-weekly collection of blog articles representing issues from the many faces of risk management. Started in June of 2006 by Henry Stern, the C of R is intended to “offer insights into the world of risk management”.…

What Happened to Camp Happy Workplace?

We have spent, over the last couple decades, an inordinate amount of time, resources, money, energy and effort “sensitizing” the American employer, ostensibly to improve the workplace experience and enhance productivity in this country. We have seminars, motivational speakers, sensitivity training, books, blogs, audio programs, online courses and more, all designed to make today's modern…

Malware Bytes

Spammers and malware propagators are the bane of an internet professionals' existence. While most are familiar with spam and its related effects, you may not be as familiar with malware and its potential threats. Malware, quite simply, is software designed to do bad things. It can be so evil as to infect your computer, delete…

Florida Deploys Unique Fraud Fighting Database

I did a CompTalk Radio interview several years back with a gentleman who at the time was the chief workers' compensation fraud investigator for the State of Florida. In that discussion he told me that fraud in the state ran about “50/50” between employers and employees, but “without a doubt, the really big money in…

The User Guide for Loss of Consortium Claims

Leave it to our government. Not only are they compiling records of all our phone calls, political leanings, internet searches,  personal sanitation practices, frequent flyer miles and recycling habits, but now we know that when a claim is filed for loss of consortium, they want to know that too. At least that is the case…

Puttin' On The Ritz Cracker

I am a believer in Karma, that ancient Indian arbiter of cause and effect. It is a well established protocol that tells us our actions and activity often determine our future and our fate. Nowhere was its influence more evident than my recent trip to Denver.  Joe Paduda published a post Wednesday in his blog…

SIIA Shows Choosing the Right Doctor is the Best Prescription

The Workers' Compensation Executive Forum conducted in St. Louis last week by the Self Insurance Institute of America (SIIA), was a vast improvement from the prior year's San Antonio event. Medical treatment and cost was a priority topic, and information related to managing this growing area of concern seemed to dominate the agenda.  One of the…