Merry Happy Happy Chrishannakwanadan – 2016

Bob has posted this holiday message every year since it was originally published on 12/23/2011. Admittedly, this year feels a bit different, as the drama surrounding the recent election seems to have put the drive for Political Correctness on it’s heels. The phrase “Merry Christmas” has once again returned as an acceptable part of the…

2016 Predictions – No, Joe, How Did I Do?

Friend, fellow blogger and political provocateur Joe Paduda last week wrote a post reviewing the results of his annual prognostications for the year. His Top Ten list has become a bit of a holiday tradition, as Paduda pens these predictions, and subsequent holiday period reviews, every year. Interestingly, I note that he did not write…

Is Loss Cost Really THE Solution for Florida Workers’ Comp Ills?

An article published last week in workcompcentral details one of the prevailing solutions being considered by the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee for the current Florida’s workers’ compensation crisis. If formalized, presented and passed, it would change the premium rate setting policy from an administered system to that generally known as “loss cost”; insurers in…

The New Orleans WC Summit and the National Conversation

The third meeting of the Workers’ Compensation Summit was held in New Orleans, LA on November 29th at the Morial Convention Center. It was graciously hosted by the National Workers’ Compensation and Disability Conference. This meeting, like the ones that preceded it in Orlando and Dallas, had its share of frustrations, but also produced what…