My Day on "The Hot Seat" Has Arrived

Today we launch our long-planned webinar series, “The Hot Seat”. It will be a new and unique venture for me, but I am very excited to get it off the ground. The Hot Seat will be a quarterly webinar presentation where we will have direct and open discussions on important issues facing our industry. My…

When Lawyers and Doctors Own the Pharmacy

We’ve talked a great deal in recent years about the inherent ethical conflicts of physician dispensing; doctors writing and fulfilling their own prescriptions. I have defined arguments defending that practice as attempts “to scrub the indelible stain on the soul that prescribing for fun and profit undoubtedly brings.” The issue, of course, is that drugs…

Workers' Comp Hot Seat – The Tech Check Blooper Reel

Ok, it really isn’t a blooper reel, but it certainly may be a harbinger of things to come. We have been busy preparing for the inaugural episode of the “Hot Seat”, a webinar designed to provide valuable information for the workers’ compensation community in a lively and entertaining format. The Hot Seat will not use…

Pinning Hope on a Rainbow

I have lived on the west coast of Florida for the better part of 33 years. During that time I have never been a person consumed with what I consider unreasonable fear regarding hurricanes. That doesn’t mean I do not respect them, or do not pay attention.  It doesn’t mean we do not prepare for…