Microsoft AI Flunks Out of Twitter University

I must say, this was one of the most poorly thought out programs that I've come across in a long, long time. I haven't seen something so badly thought out since Windows 98. No wait, make that Windows Millennium. Scratch that – Windows 8. At any rate, I really don't know what Microsoft engineers were…

The Continuing Wussification of America

Two news articles caught my eye this week that disturbed me greatly; well, disturbed me even more than my customary level of disturbment (disturbage?). They were stories that, if representative of current trends in America, signal the end of life here as we know it. One was about a class action lawsuit filed against Starbucks…

Who Knew Medical Travel Could Drive Costs So High For Workers' Comp?

A study conducted by the Workers' Compensation Research Institute (WCRI), and reviewed in a session entitled “Crossing State Lines for Medical Care” at their annual convention in Boston recently, showed that New York based injured workers who engaged in medical travel to New Jersey experienced orthopedic surgery costs at more than twice the allowable rates…

Schrodinger's Opt Out and the Transparency Variable

I've said it before regarding Opt Out, the alternative plan in Oklahoma that allows employers to escape the workers' compensation system but maintain the benefits of exclusive remedy; just repeatedly using the word “transparency” will not make it so. Yet when it comes to “The Oklahoma Option”, the word transparency is tossed around like cheap…

WCRI and the Path Home

Well, the 2016 WCRI Annual Conference is behind us, and as I wait for my flight home to the Sunshine State it is time to let the massive amount of data provided coalesce and cogitate within the deep dank recesses of my mind. Most of that info will likely be lost in there for the…