Oh Fey, Can You See, Why the Comp Board Doth Cite?

While portraying Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live she might have been able to see Russia from her house, but the actions of the New York Workers’ Compensation Board have indicated when it comes to protecting her employees, actress and comedian Tina Fey might not be able to see the forest for the trees.  According…

Missouri Teachers Apparently Object to Being Shot on the Job

I can't say that I blame them, actually. Missouri legislators have mandated that teachers and students in that states public schools undergo “Active Shooter” drills, presumably to familiarize them with the concept of being shot. I suppose they call it the “Show Me State” for a reason. Teachers in St. Francois County, Missouri, have now…

Writing for Writings Sake While Bound for Chicago

I am headed to Chicago this morning to attend the American Bar Association Mid Winter Workers’ Compensation Conference at the Conrad Hilton Hotel. It appears this year that the words “Chicago” and “Mid Winter” should be taken quite seriously. It apparently snowed half a foot there yesterday and is a whopping 16 degrees this morning.…

The Unassuming Room Where Miracles Occur

There is an unassuming little room here in Florida that could teach us something in the workers' compensation industry. While the purpose of the room has nothing to do with workers' comp, it offers vital lessons in simplicity to those of us mired in the complex legislative myriad of process and procedure that drives our…

Alabama’s Potty Politician Gives Me an Idea….

A very interesting congressional campaign is brewing in the heart of Dixie. Democrat Erick Wright is currently challenging incumbent Rep. Martha Roby, R-Montgomery, in Alabama's 2nd Congressional District. Wright portrays himself as an activist, neighbor, friend, consultant and businessman. Apparently Wright is social media savvy, and has a propensity for publishing videos of himself on…

In California Bribe Scandal, Where Were the Applicant Attorneys?

I was quiet last week regarding the burgeoning bribery fraud scandal coming out of California, where a hospital owner essentially has admitted bribing doctors and others to refer patients for possibly unnecessary and overpriced back surgeries in his facilities. The fraud perpetrated by these scumbags is estimated to have cost employers over $500 million, and…