Nurses are the Unsung Heroes of Medicine

Earlier this week I wrote about a somewhat negative experience I encountered that involved the health care arena. Today I am very pleased to be able to counter that story with a very positive tale, indeed. I recently had an elderly relative who was hospitalized over several days for what turned out to be a relatively…

When Dracula Has a Bad Day at Work

This afternoon I am scheduled for my annual physical. I don’t really know how it happened. I normally only have my annual physical once every 5 to 10 years, yet my last one was just, well, one year ago. My doctor somehow tricked me into scheduling this four years early. I am going to have…

Paying for Those Pesky Mommy Issues

Last week, during a presentation at the annual conference of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions (IAIABC), there was some spirited discussion between the panel and attendees. The session, “The Mind is Key”, was designed to help people understand and hear about effective psychological interventions, as well as how they are being…

Bob's Eight Immutable Laws of Air Travel

As many of you know, from time to time I wander from the dusty realm of workers’ compensation topics in order to offer opinions and insight (what I believe to be insight, anyway) on important (at least important to me) topics of the day. This is one such moment. As a so called “road warrior”…

I Suppose I Should Explain the Sign

We had the inaugural episode of The Hot Seat Webinar this last Friday (replay available here). I am not going to say much about it other than it appears to have been a tremendous success. I believe David Langham will be writing about it in short order, and for now I will leave the details…