We announced this morning that the Southern Association of Workers’ Compensation Administrators (SAWCA) will be presenting a “Virtual Town Hall” comprised of many of the nations’ workers’ compensation regulators. We are very honored to have the privilege of hosting the event under our nascent Center for Education Excellence. It will be an historic event, as no such virtual meeting of national regulators has ever occurred before.

Beyond its historic notation, however, lies an even more important benefit. At a time of unprecedented challenge to the industry, SAWCA is producing an outlet that will not only allow these administrators to discuss their challenges and solutions with one another, but to also directly hear the questions and concerns of the industry they oversee. It is an opportunity to facilitate critical communication at a time of great stress and concern. We commend SAWCA for taking a leadership role in this endeavor. SAWCA Regulator Town Hall on COVID

The SAWCA National Regulator Virtual Town Hall will take place in two parts. All of the participating regulators and a number of key industry stakeholders will gather virtually on April 22nd. Safety National’s Mark Walls and I will moderate the meeting. The regulators and industry stakeholders will discuss their challenges and concerns related to the impact of COVID-19, as well as take questions and comments from the public that have been submitted for the event. That meeting will be recorded and played on April 23, 2020 at 1PM eastern in a public webcast. Regulators will be available in that webcast to directly interact with attendees via the chat room while the Town Hall video plays. 

You may submit questions and comments to be considered for the Town Hall, here.

You can register to view and participate in the public webinar, here

Regulators from every state are being invited to participate in this, and currently there are commitments from a decent number to do so. The COVID Pandemic and its aftermath is as new and unexpected for them as it is for the rest of us, and I suspect they welcome an opportunity to interact with their own on the issue. Hearing concerns and clearing misperceptions with the industry they serve will be a big benefit as we all move forward together on this.

Ultimately, National Regulator Town hall is a vehicle that will facilitate direct communication from critical participants who are all swimming in a suddenly unfamiliar pool. We talk a great deal about the importance of communication in workers’ comp. At no time in our industry’s history has it been more important than it is today. The National Regulator Town Hall is designed to help make that happen. This is an opportunity for all sides to come together and get a better understanding of what may lie ahead on what for most is a very uncertain road. SAWCA should be applauded for taking a leadership role on this issue.

Personally, I am proud to be taking a part in this effort. I hope that people within the workers’ compensation industry take it seriously and participate.

I’ll see you at the Town Hall.

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