It was one of the top issues identified by the 2016 Workers’ Comp Summit. Benefit Adequacy is a big issue in workers’ comp. What are the trends and current state of benefits in the US? Next Thursday, March 7th at 12:00 eastern, Judge David Langham and I will tackle that topic in the 7th episode of our webinar series, The Hot Seat.

With guests Paul Sighinolfi and Ramona Tanabe, we will discuss the status of benefit adequacy in comp today. Are most states meeting the needs of their injured workers? What defines adequate? Does our safety net contain significant holes through which some people fall? What are the biggest considerations? How can states strike a balance to find the ideal benefit scenario? Those are the areas we intend to discuss.

Sighinolfi is an attorney who was until recently the Chairman of the Maine Workers’ Compensation Board. He recently joined the firm Ametros Financial as a Senior Director. He was active in the series of national meetings that comprised the 2016 WC Summit. Tanabe is the Executive Vice President and Counsel at Workers Compensation Research Institute. Both guests are uniquely positioned and qualified to speak on this topic.

It should be very interesting to hear what they have to say.

The episode is entitled, “State of Confusion: Benefit Adequacy in Workers’ Comp,” and is free for all. It is sponsored by Safety National. It will be available for replay afterwards, so people interested but unable to attend are still encouraged to register. They will get a replay link shortly after the program concludes.

All interested persons can register here. See you in the Hot Seat.



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