There is a party coming to Dallas, and you won’t want to miss it. Not only will it be a lot of fun, it is for a great cause to boot. How can you not want to be part of that?

Kids’ Chance offers scholarships and educational opportunities for children who have a parent who was seriously injured or killed on the job. I have served on the Advisory Board for Kids’ Chance of America for years. However, the nuts and bolts of the scholarship giving activity occurs at the state organization level, and I am also a proud founding board member and current president of Kids’ Chance of Florida (KCFL).

Now everyone knows that KCFL is going to be the biggest, baddest Kids’ Chance chapter around. Everyone, that is, except all of the other Kids’ Chance organizations, most notably of which is the Texas chapter. They remain stubbornly oblivious to the greatness of Florida’s Kids’ Chance. Unless you have been asleep this past year, you know that there is a heated (but friendly) competition between Kids’ Chance of Florida and Texas Kids’ Chance. 

To show that I have no bias, I have agreed to help Texas along (bless their hearts) and let everyone know about the BigGive party coming up in Dallas on April 25th benefitting Texas’ Kids’ Chance.  This event will have an emphasis on getting the word out to industry people who may know children eligible to apply for a scholarship.  If a child has had a parent killed or catastrophically injured in Texas and wants to pursue a post-high school education at college or to learn a trade, the child is encouraged to apply. 

Many of my Texas friends will be at the party, and they hope to see you there.  To purchase a ticket or to make a donation, go to  If you want to learn more about Kids’ Chance of Texas, check out their website at  If you are reading this and will be in Dallas on April 25th, you won’t want to miss the party!  Food, libations and a terrific silent auction are in the works. 

Seriously, don’t miss this party. It is a chance to give back and learn about a terrific cause.

Even if it’s not in Florida.

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