As many of us are preparing for next week's big workers' comp soiree, the National Workers' Compensation and Disability Conference, we find it challenging to determine which after hours events we should attend. Wednesday night might have been a particular challenge for me, as several big events are planned that evening in conjunction with the conference. I've been invited to many, but there is one I will be attending for sure.

Because I am on a panel at the event

The panel, which I wrote about several weeks ago, will consist of me, fellow blogger Joe Paduda and former SAIF CEO John Plotkin. It will be moderated by ISG CEO Bob Reardon. Our intent is to talk about how social media can positively impact our personal and professional lives. Regular readers will instantly recognize my desire and willingness to be part of this presentation. After all, John Plotkin's story spent a fair amount of time in my head, and this blog played a unique role as his saga unfolded. 

While Plotkin will be unable to directly address the story that surrounded his termination at SAIF last year due to ongoing litigation, Paduda and I will be under no such restriction. 

And we should not be – social media played a huge role in how that saga played out. 

Still, it is clear from our planning calls that SAIF will not be the only topic of the evening. Setting this up has been an interesting process, as even we presenters have been learning a thing or two as the program has come together.

Plus, this will be the first time I've ever presented where copious amounts of alcohol will have been served. That should make it very interesting. Should I become a bit too lubricated I'll need to be careful what I say to Paduda.

He's a scrappy little bastard, you know.

The reception will be held at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino on November 11, 2015, from 5:30pm – 7:30pm. The reception starts at 5:30pm, and our panel discussion begins at 6:00pm. Early registrations were strong for the reception, and space is definitely limited. If you wish to partake of good food and drink, and hear some unique perspectives on social media in our industry, I would encourage you to register. You may do so here. We'll look forward to seeing you there.

Safe travels – we'll see you in Vegas.


PS – in case you are not aware of the SAIF/John Plotkin story, and you have a couple days to catch up, you may read the related articles on the story here.

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