I have been deeply involved with Kids' Chance for a number of years now. The charitable organization dedicated to providing scholarship opportunities for children of severely or fatally injured workers has exploded across the workers' compensation industry in recent months, in no small part to the efforts of Executive Director Vicki Burkhart, extremely committed corporate partners and a dedicated team of industry volunteers. I serve on the Advisory Board for the national organization, and my website provides extensive support to help spread the word to applicants and volunteers alike. I am very proud of the work this group does, as well as the very small part I play in its overall success. 

But, without a doubt, my most important personal contribution to Kids' Chance is thelping with the realization that we are about to launch a Florida state chapter for the organization. 

Yes, Kids' Chance is coming to the Sunshine State. Our Founders' Board Meeting is scheduled for December 1, 2015 in Tampa. Indulge me for a moment while I tell you that we have managed to assemble an incredible Board of Directors for this fledgling organization. I will give more detail on that after December 1st, but suffice it to say that we will have a board with unparalleled talent and reach, thoroughly committed to this terrific cause. 

I also have to acknowledge and thank the people at Friends of 440, an existing group with similar but not identical missions in the state. Our intent is to align with them wherever possible to extend assistance to not just a broader group of applicants, but to potentially provide more resources to students that both organizations serve. Our conversations with them, spearheaded by Director Burkhart, have been cordial and positive. We look forward to working with them across our vast and diverse state. 

More on this soon – wish us luck for a swift and positive launch!

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