I am in the Four Corners area taking a few personal days celebrating my fathers’ 95th birthday, in what is turning out to be an almost complete family reunion (my wife was the only person unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts at home). However, I wanted to take a moment for a very quick post to thank the folks at LexisNexis for once again selecting this blog as one of the “Top Blogs” for workers’ compensation. It is one of three top blogs listed in the “National Blog” category. As in previous years, I am in extraordinary company.

The complete list, available here, offers some tremendous options for people looking to learn and keep up in the ever challenging industry of workers’ compensation. I encourage you to read the list and take a few of the blogs for a “test drive”. You will not be disappointed. I am also very pleased to see that several of the top blogs on the list are routinely republished here on our site, via the Workers’ Comp Blogwire. When we established the Blogwire, the goal was to assemble some of the best and most informative content on the web for our industry, easily accessed in one convenient location. This list confirms we’ve made some correct selections, and we will continue to pursue other interested publishing partners for that area.

So, I thank the good folks at Lexis for their continued support and the honor they bestow on me. I also thank everyone who regularly checks in to read my rambling missives, even though the reason you would do so continues to mystify me. I cannot express how important and gratifying that support really is.

Thank you. 

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