I would like to take a quick moment to welcome the newest contributor to our Workers’ Comp Blogwire, Ms. Heather Schwartz. Heather is Corporate Counsel for PMSI Settlement Solutions. Her primary responsibility with PMSI is the education and assistance of compliance with the Medicare Secondary Payer Act. She has lectured on this topic to the workers' compensation and liability insurance and legal communities at conferences, associations, and individual offices nationwide.

She is a major contributor to PMSI's MedicareInsights blog, and also has published numerous publications on court decisions and legislative reforms involving Medicare Set-Asides, conditional payments, and Mandatory Insurer Reporting issues.  She earned her Bachelor's Degree from The University of Central Florida and her JD from St. Thomas University School of Law.

Additionally, she has a plethora of certifications related to Medicare Set Asides, Secondary Payer and Civil Litigation.

Her first article on our site, “Can a Defendant Delay Payment of Settlement Funds Pending Receipt of Medicare Conditional Payment Information?”, appears today.

Heather is an excellent addition to our growing collection of contributing experts in the Blogwire. Her contributions will further extend the subject matter and quality content available on our site. She joins noted experts such as Rebecca Shafer, John D'Alusio, Terry Bogyo, as well as NWCDN members like John Geaney, Mike Fish, Rayford Taylor and more. These quality contributors make this the most robust and balanced blog available for the workers' compensation industry.

Heather understands that compliance with the Medicare Secondary Payer Act can be at times complex and frustrating to those that handle claims with Medicare beneficiaries.  Her overall objective is to write with the primary goal of bringing simple and understandable solutions to MSP compliance. We are lucky to have her contributions, and would like everyone to join us in welcoming her to our site.

PMSI's MedicareInsights blog is available at www.medicareinsights.com.

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