It is not a job one normally thinks of in relation to workers' comp, but it does in fact venture into our realm. In Los Angeles, a proposal that would require adult film actors to use condoms has qualified for the June ballot. If passed, all porn actors would be required to wear condoms while “performing” on any production shot within the city limits. The “Adult Film Workplace Condom Initiative” would require a production company’s agreement to use condoms on the film site in order to secure an adult film permit.

I didn't even know they needed an “adult film permit”, but I should not be surprised.

Opponents of the measure say that it is an extreme waste of time and money, and that state laws already mandate use of condoms when workers are exposed to blood-borne pathogens. Other critics fear it will cause the porn industry to flee to less restrictive areas, and result in a drain on employment and related business.

If passed, fees may be charged to "provide for inspectors to ensure compliance with conditions on film permits." I am certain there will be no shortage of applicants for those positions, although I cringe at the possible job title assigned such a person. Also, for these people “Take Your Daughter to Work Day” will be somewhat problematic. But I digress……

This is an excellent example of how protection for workers often crosses into areas not traditionally associated with work. Normally the thought of people engaged in sexual activity doesn't include traditional workplace concerns, but clearly that is not the case here. I assume that there are similar issues where prostitution is legal, such as in Nevada.

Whether the LA initiative makes sense or not, I cannot say. It certainly sounds like state law covers this area adequately, although I have no idea what level of enforcement is provided. Clearly this is a topic that requires much more extensive research.

I'll get right on it…..

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