California Bloggin' – Planes, Trains and Automobiles

I am on a plane to Orange County this morning, headed to the California Coalition on Workers’ Compensation (CCWC) Annual Conference in Anaheim, CA. I am scheduled to appear on a bloggers panel Wednesday with some of my usual cohorts in crime. We’re putting the band back together. Mark Walls will once again moderate this…

SAIF Board Can Cancel But It Can't Hide

The SAIF Board has cancelled their meet in July,To all their employees it’s a stick in the eye.They are probably hoping until September nigh,That the whole Plotkin scandal will just up and die.  There is nothing to talk about – nothing to see,Just a gaggle of people angry at thee,The Board dare not meet less…

Nursing Our Injured Workers' Ain’t No Hooey

A recent article in the Houston Chronicle likely provides a glimpse at what an element of workers' comp will look like in the not too distant future. The subject concerned the use of what is called the ConciergeCLAIM Nurse program run by Travelers Insurance. Travelers touts it as a program that has both lowered cost…

Blithely Building a Better Butter Burger

When it comes to employment issues, bad news, it seems, is everywhere these days. Immigration, health care reform, improper terminations, unemployment, rising disability roles, and more – we read about these challenges daily. That is why it was so refreshing to stumble across a “feel good” employment story, and I felt compelled to share it…

The Existential Texas Roofer: Employer Responsibilities in Workers' Comp and Those Pesky Specific Hypotheticals

The topic of workers’ compensation and employer responsibility has found its way into the Texas Governors race, and it presents some interesting philosophical questions for our industry. The Texas Tribune reported Attorney General Greg Abbott, who is running for governor, has indicated he wants to maintain the current ability of employers to opt-out of workers’…