We pre-recorded our Hot Seat Webinar yesterday afternoon. Entitled “I’ve Got You Under My Skin, So Hit Me With Your Best Shot In The Dark – An Ode to COVID Vaccination Liabilities”, it will be webcast tomorrow at 1:00 PM eastern time. All Hot Seats prior to this have been live events, but due to some technical difficulties, we made the decision to pre-record and have our guests in the chat area to answer questions during the webcast.

I’ve been involved with previous pre-recorded webinars but have rarely written about them prior to their release. But I was so impressed by our guests this week, and the information they shared, I had to say something this morning. Dr. Hung Cheung and Attorney Bert Randall did a fantastic job of navigating the issues related to COVID and the subsequent vaccinations underway. There was excellent advice for employers looking to minimize their risk in the process, and information I had never learned about the background that brought these vaccines to the market so quickly.

I had no idea that there were over 200 more vaccines in clinical trials at this time. I really hadn’t thought about the massive data available to researchers now that 40,000,000 Americans have been vaccinated. There was much more, but I am clearly not going to spoil the “surprise,” (sneaky bastard that I am). This was a great webinar, and I encourage you to register. If you can’t make the initial webcast, we will email you a link after where you can view it, along with the chat as it occurred. 

You may register here. I don’t think you will be disappointed.

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