Every year the Workers’ Compensation Institute, as part of their annual educational conference in Orlando, holds a service day supporting the non-profit organization Give Kids the World (GKTW). This year, Kids’ Chance of Florida (KCFL) is assembling a group of volunteers to support that effort. If you are coming to Orlando for WCI this August, I invite you to join us for the festivities.

Give Kids The World Village is an 84-acre, nonprofit resort in Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with critical illnesses and their families. Last year more than 700 WCI volunteers turned out to perform a wide variety of repairs and improvements to the facility, and many attended a fundraising gala that evening. Kids’ Chance of Florida, which provides scholarships and educational opportunities to children who have a parent seriously injured or killed on the job, sees this opportunity as a perfect fit to our greater mission. WCI is an important partner for KCFL, and when you think about it, both “kid oriented” non-profits are dedicated to giving children a world of experience and opportunity.

I am also pleased to say that WorkersCompensation.com is a sponsor of the event again this year (shameless plug).

The service day is Saturday, August 18th. If you would like to come out and help this great cause, we would be happy to have you do so as part of the KCFL group. All KCFL volunteers will get a free t-shirt to signify their support of both causes. You may register with Kids’ Chance of Florida here. (You will also need to register separately on the WCI service page, but we will send you info on that). 

If you are coming to Orlando, I hope you will join us. You won’t be disappointed that you did.

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