Today marks the beginning of the Third Annual Kids’ Chance Awareness Week, where the workers’ comp industry rolls out all the stops to make sure everyone and their brother has 1) heard of Kids’ Chance, and 2) understands what a terrific cause this organization supports.

In case you have not yet been availed of this critical information, Kids’ Chance is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing scholarships and educational opportunities to children whose parent has been seriously injured or killed on the job. Started in Valdosta, GA in 1988 by Attorney Bob Clyatt, it today exists in 39 states with associate organizations in another 3. There are 7 more states in development. State organizations combined have awarded over 6,000 scholarships totaling more than $18,000,000.

Now, how could you not want to be aware of that?

The workers’ compensation industry can be very proud of its efforts regarding Kids’ Chance. Staffed almost entirely with volunteers from the workers’ comp industry, it is a true grassroots effort to improve the lives of kids who have encountered tragedy early in their lives. Workers’ comp companies and organizations of all stripes and from both sides have willingly funded most of the organizations efforts. Kids’ Chance, is, in fact, the singular cause that everyone in our adversarial industry should and can be able to agree on.

And as I often say, if you can’t, there is frankly something wrong with you.

This week there are activities across the nation designed to promote Kids’ Chance and raise awareness to the services it provides. Governors in numerous states have issued proclamations acknowledging the importance of what they do. Fundraisers and other gatherings will be held. Here in Florida, strong Kids’ Chance supporter NCCI will be holding a “4 Laps 4 Education” walk, with proceeds going to our state organization.

Our own website, a long-time supporter of Kids’ Chance and partner of the Florida chapter, has adorned the Kids’ Chance colors for the week to help raise awareness and spread the word (you may want to clear your browser cache if you aren’t seeing the change). It is all to help further the goal of “More Money for More Kids.”

Please do your part. One of the biggest challenges for Kids’ Chance is finding qualified applicants. We know they are out there, but the people who deal with them on a daily basis may not be aware of or tuned in to this opportunity. You can make a difference if you ensure everyone in your comp circle knows about Kids’ Chance, and helps identify families who could benefit from their service.

You can go here to learn more and grab tools to help spread the word.

Get involved. Be aware. And help change the future for a kid in need. That is what Kids’ Chance Awareness Week is all about.


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