I am, to a great degree, a believer in Karma, and that things often happen for a reason. That is certainly the way I felt on Wednesday afternoon, when manna from heaven unexpectedly appeared for Kids’ Chance of Florida.

I spoke Wednesday at a lunch of my local Sertoma Club, and my topic was Kids’ Chance, the organization that provides scholarships for children of injured workers. Sertoma is a group that I have belonged to for almost 20 years, and whose mission is providing speech and hearing assistance to children. As a non-profit always looking for funds for its various endeavors, my intent was not to ask for money; rather my goal was to raise awareness among these businesspeople and professionals of the services available to children of severely injured workers.

My intent was not to conduct fundraising. But then, I did not know that a member of our club, a man I’ve known for almost 20 years, had been looking for a vehicle to fund an annual scholarship. I did not know that he was unhappy with the rigid and inflexible structure of a local foundation. I did not know that he is prepared to fund these scholarships at a rate of $10,000 per year.

And I did not know that his only requirement was that the money be used to help kids in real need.

He approached me after the meeting and informed me of his desire to annually fund a scholarship, and that he wants to be up and running quickly. He asked me if Kids’ Chance could meet those needs.

I assured him we could certainly do so.

What are the odds? I give a presentation to a group of people whom I have known for years. I am discussing scholarships for students who have the greatest of needs; while in the group is a man who has been looking for just such a vehicle to help those same people.

Karma, you might at times be a heartless bitch, but yesterday you were beautiful, baby. It was cosmic capitalism, placing a willing supply with an urgent demand.

I am flying today to Alexandria, VA for the annual meeting of Kids’ Chance of America. I have been looking forward to this event for some time, but feel a renewed vigor carrying this story with me. Good things happen for a reason. And Kids’ Chance is about as good a reason as anyone would need. Karma obviously gets that.

Thanks, Karma. You are helping us take care of the children of Florida’s injured workers, and we appreciate the unexpected support.

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