Really, it was nothing I said. At least not this time.

I really needed to title this post “My Apologies to the Alliance of Women in Workers' Compensation”, but it seemed a bit too long for the purpose. But I extend my regrets all the same.

I am supposed to be flying to Boston today to attend a seminar produced by the group, entitled “Creating An Advocacy Based Claims Model”. It is scheduled tomorrow as a pre-conference event to the annual WCRI Conference being held this Thursday and Friday. Unfortunately, a minor mishap at home has forced me to alter my plans, and I will not be arriving in Boston until Wednesday after it is has ended.

I had been invited to attend this session, and was quite interested in the topic. I have long been an advocate of reforming the workers' comp system, and advocacy based claims management is a key to that successful result. According to the event description, “An advocacy based model engages all key stakeholders to provide the best outcome for the injured worker which increases employee satisfaction and ultimately reduces costs.”

Simply translated; we need to start paying attention to the needs and motivations of the injured workers we serve. We need more collaboration, and less confrontation. We need, more than anything else, communication and empathy as a foundation of the claims handling model. I was interested in hearing what this group had to say about it.

Now I will have to wait for the movie to come out.

At any rate, I regret missing the seminar, and apologize for my absence. Perhaps someone there can bring me up to speed when I arrive Wednesday afternoon. Or maybe our friends at Conference Chronicles will have already published the lowdown before I even land at Logan. 

Sorry I could not make it. It sounds like an idea that needs much broader exposure.

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