I have often lamented that employers do not understand that workers' comp is a controllable cost. Too often they treat it as a necessary evil that they must simply contend with, and never really pay attention to the fact that they have influence over costs; through both prevention and effective claims management.

That is why a webinar focusing on specifically that – “workers' compensation cost containment” – caught my eye when information on it crossed my cluttered desk. Safety National is offering a complimentary webinar featuring Rebecca Shafer and Karen Casserly entitled “Reduce Workers' Compensation Cost by Understanding and Controlling Key Cost Drivers”. In this webinar they promise to show attendees how to “Identify cost drivers, obtain ‘buy in' from executive management, focus on areas of improvement and measure improvement”. For employers interested in improving their bottom line and lowering their overall risk, this is an offering they should take advantage of.

I recognize that this may come across as a promotional post, but it isn't. I am not being compensated for promoting this webinar. In the interest of full disclosure, both Safety National and Shafer, President of Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc. are long time clients, partners and friends to my company and this website, but I just think this is a great offering that people should be aware of. Knowing these people, I am sure it will be a worthwhile endeavor. And as I have indicated, this is a lesson that many employers could benefit from

Besides, everyone has the right to my opinion.

The one hour program will be held August 21, 2012 at 11:00 CST. They are recommending Brokers, Risk Managers, Business Owners and Managers, Workers' Compensation Coordinators, and HR Specialists register to attend.

For more information and to register, go to http://www.safetynational.com/webinars.html.

After all, cost containment is a concept whose time has come…..


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