Health Strategy Associates is conducting a very important survey on utilization management/utilization review, and we have been asked to invite our readers to provide their valuable input. Please take a few moments of your time to help everyone better understand the part that UM/UR currently plays in the industry. It is exercises such as this that help build a better industry for all, so we strongly encourage complete and candid response.

Of course, I should mention that HSA is “sweetening the pot” by giving a free iPad2 to one lucky person who fully completes the survey.

The link and introduction from HSA are below. We appreciate your help and support!


Thank you for agreeing to participate in Health Strategy Associates LLC's (HSA) First Annual Survey of Utilization Management in Workers' Compensation. We appreciate your willingness to share your thoughts and opinions. In that we know your time is valuable and critical to the success of this survey, HSA will place all the names of every participant who fully and earnestly completes the survey into a drawing for a brand new iPad 2 (16GB) in the color (Black or White) of the winner's choice.

With the industry's attention turning again to medical management, there is increasing interest in assessing the purpose, value, and role of utilization management/utilization review (UM/UR). To address this need, HSA is conducting a Survey of Utilization Management in Workers' Compensation. The inclusion of both claims-level and senior-management personnel in the survey will assist in identify gaps in understanding the role of UM/UR, practical issues in implementing and conducting UM/UR, and potentially unforeseen consequences/effects of UM/UR on workflow, productivity, and claims handling.

As always, all information collected will be kept strictly confidential; HSA will list the name of the organization participating but not the name of the individual who participated, additionally HSA will make every effort to ensure that no response can be tracked back to any individual or company. Consequently, please be sure to note during the survey if a term or phrase you use is unique to you or your company so that we can do our best to protect your confidentiality.

For purposes of this survey, we define utilization review as: “A prospective or retrospective review of the use of medical resources for purposes of ensuring those services are related to the injury or illness, and/or are in compliance with medical treatment guidelines and/or medically necessary.”

Thank you again for taking the next 15-25 minutes to share your invaluable insight!




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