I would like to take a quick moment to welcome a new contributor to our Workers’ Comp Blogwire, Mr. Terry Bogyo. Terry is the Director of Corporate Planning and Development for WorkSafeBC. His current responsibilities include environmental scanning, strategic planning and inter-jurisdictional comparisons. He joined the organization in 1980 as a Vocational Rehabilitation Consultant. Over his 30 years in workers' compensation, he has held a wide variety of positions including: Executive Assistant to the Chairman of the Board, Director of Policy and Research, Director Vocational Rehabilitation and Director of Community Relations.

His first contribution to our site, “What's the connection between complacency and risk?” appears today.

I first met Terry at an IAIABC Conference a number of years ago (it might have been an AASCIF conference in Maine – they are all beginning to blur). At first glance, he strikes you as a mild mannered analyst, extremely smart, with an arsenal of documents always just an arm's length away should he need to verify any statistics that might have momentarily escaped his intensive grasp. While I found him to be quite pleasant and a good conversationalist, what most impressed me about him was a presentation he gave at IAIABC in Minneapolis.

If you ever have the chance to see Terry Bogyo speak at a conference, take it.

It was the most entertaining review of demographic statistics I have ever experienced. Clear, bold, and funny, this guy impressed me. I am personally very happy that he is allowing us to share some of his thoughts and views from his blog, Workers' Compensation Perspectives. Terry represents a more international view than other writers we publish on the site, and he has a strong following in Canada, Australia and elsewhere. We will be publishing his new content here, as well as some older posts that are timeless in principle.

Please join me in welcoming him to our growing family of contributors.


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